
将你的圣经训练提升到下一个层次 CU Enrich这是雪松维尔大学(Cedarville University)继续教育课程的在线平台. 您可以访问所有课程视频,大纲和笔记,并获得证书 completion.

The Bible Minor Project

沙巴体育与众不同的附加值之一是每个学生, regardless of major, receives a Bible minor. Made up of five courses, 圣经辅修课程让学生思考神, His Word, 并鼓励他们把圣经沙巴体育到生活的各个方面. We are excited to serve parents, churches, 为个人和团体提供这些特殊的学习资源.

Bible and the Gospel Taught by Dr. Trent Rogers

Trent Rogers portrait

《沙巴体育》和《沙巴体育》是沙巴体育的第一道菜 Bible Minor sequence. 通过有用的工具来解释圣经, 你将面临挑战,通过个人的努力,追求与基督建立深厚而不断增长的关系, inductive study of God's Word. You'll study the appeal of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit's role in inspiring the Bible, the local church's role in spiritual growth, and much more.

The videos below feature Dr. Trent Rogers, 圣经与神学研究学院院长,新约与希腊文助理教授, as the course professor. Dr. 罗杰斯热衷于教导圣经,带领学生爱神、事奉神.



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Course Videos


What is the Biblical Gospel? pt 1

In this lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯介绍了这门课程,并阐述了圣经对福音的理解.

What is the Biblical Gospel? pt 2

Dr. 罗杰斯继续他关于解释福音的讨论.


Dr. 罗杰斯从圣经的角度阐述了基督徒的身份和呼召.

What are spiritual disciplines?

In this lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯向全班介绍了精神训练的概念.

Why engage the Bible?

本讲座将讨论圣经在信徒生活中的持续作用. 罗杰斯分析了一些关键的诗句来解释这一点.

How does the Christian engage the Bible?

Dr. 罗杰斯提出了一些如何在日常生活中接触圣经的策略.

What is prayer and why should Christians pray?

In this lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯解释了祷告在信徒生活中的持续作用.

How should Christians engage in prayer?

Dr. 罗杰斯继续他对祷告的讨论,并着眼于圣经中祷告的模式.

How should Christians engage in prayer? pt. 2

In this lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯总结了他关于基督徒应该如何参与祷告的系列文章.

What is the Church?


Why engage in Church?

Dr. 罗杰斯解释了教会委身和成员的实践.

How should Christians engage the church?

Dr. 罗杰斯在结束他对教会的讨论时,揭示了敬拜的意义.

Why and how should Christians share the Gospel?

In this lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯解释了圣经对分享福音的呼召.

What does the Bible say about itself?

Dr. 罗杰斯阐述了对圣经的圣经理解.

What is the character of the Bible?


How does the Bible come to us?

In this lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯解释了圣经的传播、封圣和翻译的过程.

What is the message of the Bible?

Dr. 罗杰斯阐述了《沙巴体育》从《沙巴体育》到《沙巴体育》的信息.

What role do the covenants play in the Bible?

In this lecture, Dr. Rogers explains the biblical covenants, their meaning, 以及它们在圣经故事情节中的作用.

Interpretation and Biblical Theology

Dr. 罗杰斯指出了圣经神学的学科和实践.

Vocabulary Tool

这一讲开始讨论一系列分析圣经的特殊工具, starting first with the Vocabulary Tool.

Translation, Quotation, Allusion tools

In this lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯分析了这些工具来帮助我们正确地理解圣经.

Copycat Tool

Dr. Rogers继续上一讲的内容,并介绍了Copycat工具.

Structure Tool

Dr. Rogers解释了对结构工具的理解和实践.

Context Tools

This lecture identifies the parallels, narrator's comment, tone and feel, 重复和上下文分析圣经的工具.

Authors Purpose Tool

In this lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯提出了作者写作的目的.

Genre Tool pt 1

Dr. 罗杰斯讨论了体裁对圣经解释的影响.

Genre Tool pt 2

Dr. 罗杰斯继续讨论了不同形式的交流如何影响我们的阅读方式.

So What tool

In this final lecture, Dr. 罗杰斯讨论了我们如何将在课堂上学到的信息和技能沙巴体育到我们的日常生活中.

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Take Your Biblical Study to the Next Level

Ready for the next step? Cedarville offers a Master of Divinity degree as well as a slate of online ministry-focused master's degrees 装备那些渴望在职业事奉中服事神的人. 有多个加速选项可供选择, 沙巴体育的研究生事工学位提供了一个致力于圣经权威的综合课程, the Great Commission, 并装备当地教会的下一代领袖.

Partnering to Transform Lives

圣经辅修课程是沙巴体育致力于通过优秀的教育和服从圣经权威的有意门徒训练来改变学生生活的关键因素. 你愿意用今天的时间来保证沙巴体育的学业吗 具有挑战性的,真正的基督教教育是家庭负担得起的? 你的捐赠将支持学生奖学金以及学术和事工项目. We value your faithful partnership.

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