One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in Worship Degree

Why Study Worship at Cedarville?

With Cedarville's Bachelor of Arts in worship degree, 旨在装备你成为一个有回报的敬拜领袖, 你会受到启发,成为我们伟大上帝的更伟大的崇拜者! This program will improve your skills, grow you as a leader, and enrich your personal worship, 最终帮助你建立一个与神更深关系的基础. As a worship major, you’ll study music, theology, worship, 和多媒体同时选择一个实用的领域集中学习,如电子媒体, music, theatre, pre-seminary, or communication. In the ever-changing climate of modern worship, 你就会被神永不改变的真理所引导.

如果你正在攻读另一个专业,但想要建立一个敬拜的基础, then Cedarville's worship minor is for you!

You can expand your worship training with Cedarville's Master of Arts in Worship and Theology (MAWT). With our accelerated completion plans, 你可以在四到五年内完成敬拜学士学位和MAWT.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

Musical Emphasis -作为敬拜专业的学生,你将接受核心的音乐训练. We value contemporary music as the voice of our culture, 因此,你将具备在“现实世界”中与音乐和方法相关的能力."

Interdisciplinary Nature -我们鼓励你加入与敬拜事工相关的跨学科研究. 我们重视每个学生发展天赋和兴趣, 从而为每个学生量身定制个性化学位.

Theological Foundation -你的学习将有坚实的神学基础,以圣经真理为基础. 你的圣经辅修课程将强调敬拜事工的圣经基础.

  • 学生们在小教堂的舞台上演奏键盘、吉他和鼓

    Worship Scholarships

    沙巴体育每年为敬拜专业的学生提供高达4000美元的敬拜奖学金. 你可以将你的敬拜奖学金与沙巴体育其他慷慨的学术奖学金和基于需求的奖学金结合起来.
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Why Study Worship at Cedarville?

Michael O'Brien Endorses Cedarville's Worship Programs

What Can You Do With a Worship Degree?

对宗教领袖的需求非常高,一毕业, you’ll be prepared for ministry in the local church. However, some 毕业生可以选择继续他们的音乐或神学教育 在神学院当其他人去神学院学习成为牧师或 青年牧师,或在宣教现场服事基督,用音乐作为一种方式 事工工具,或将他们的敬拜主要计划与另一个相结合 具有专业学位,期望在当地教会从事非神职人员的工作 希望在当地教会服事教会的双学位或未成年人 as a layperson.


  • Director of Fine Arts
  • Director of Music / Music Ministries
  • Director of Worship
  • Education
  • Publishing
  • Resource Developer
  • Worship Coordinator / Leader / Pastor
  • Writing

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, experience, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.

Placement Success

We’re proud of our successful graduates! 95.音乐与敬拜系的应届毕业生中有2%在毕业后六个月内就业或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

On Campus

As a worship student, 你将有很多机会参加校园里的各种音乐活动. 我们的沙巴体育是非常音乐的,选择范围从音乐和崇拜 ensembles to chapel bands, on-campus 音乐会,礼拜活动,学生们在宿舍里一起玩耍. 高年级学生经常在礼拜堂领礼拜.

Off Campus

许多敬拜学生在赞美乐队演奏,并在附近的教堂领导敬拜. 作为一个敬拜领袖,你有很多机会演奏和磨练你的技巧. Our music and worship ensembles and HeartSong teams tour off campus. 我们的学生还在森特维尔的费尔黑文教堂等教堂完成实习, OH; Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago, IL; and Christ Fellowship in Miami, FL, many of which lead to full-time, permanent positions.

Program Curriculum

建立在你的通识教育,文科和圣经辅修课程, 你将学习一系列的核心音乐和敬拜课程.

This major is offered with either a three-year or four-year completion plan.

This major offers an accelerated bachelor's-to-master's pathway for students interesting in pursuing their MBA.

Sample courses:

  • Music and the Arts in Worship
  • Theology of Worship

Start Your Degree in High School!

现在就选择双录取课程来节省时间和金钱. 你会发现如何在短短三年内完成你的敬拜学位 Dual Enrollment 3-Year Pathway.

Explore the Dual Enrollment Pathway

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Two people playing guitars in room of people.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Roger O'Neel

Roger O'Neel, PhD

Professor of Worship; Director - Worship Program; Assistant Chair - Worship


Photo of John Chilcote

John Chilcote, MDiv

Assistant Professor of Worship


Photo of Susan Troth

Susan Troth, MM

Associate Professor of Worship


Program News