One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


Four months in Oxford, England, just wasn’t enough for four 2023 斯德维尔大学 研究生s, all of whom will be returning to the United Kingdom to begin 研究生 education at St. Andrews, Glasgow and Oxford Universities this coming fall.

安娜·格蕾丝·加尔金, 从莫里, 犹他州, will be pursuing a Master of Letters in Theology and the Arts at the University of St Andrews, Scotland; Brendan Rowland, 从韦斯特福德, 麻萨诸塞州, will be pursuing a Master of Letters in 英语 Literature degree with a concentration in Modernities at the University of Glasgow, Scotland; Hannah Dunham, 从南门, 密歇根, 将在中东攻读文学硕士学位, Caucasus and Central Asian Security Studies degree at the University of St Andrews, Scotland; and Summer Bohannon, 从克拉, 维吉尼亚州, will be returning to the University of Oxford to pursue a Master of Studies degree in theology. 牛津大学毕业生走在人行道上.

“我刚去牛津的时候, 我从未离开过美国,邓纳姆说, 研究 政治科学 在斯德维尔. “There were so many little cultural adjustments, but the experience was absolutely amazing!”

Each of the students learned to culturally adjust in different ways. For Dunham, it was socializing in a more reserved culture. Rowland had to learn public transportation schedules, while Galkin, 研究 英语博汉南也在学习 文科, 适应更小的事情, 包括下面的门把手, recognizing dry humor and distinguishing bathroom symbols, 这需要调整.

After the culture shock wore off, the four found many things they loved about British culture. Everything from cheap Tesco muffins and local vinyl shops (Rowland) to the Pret a Manger student discount coffee (Bohannon), 当地的足球, 或“足球,”里格斯(高尔金), 当地建筑(邓纳姆), 让牛津感觉像是一个临时的家.

All four said the academic experience was one of the best they had experienced.

“作为一个 英语 主要, the hub of history and art and intellectual development around Oxford was so exciting to be a part of, 即使是很短的时间,高尔金说。. “It was intimidating going in, but the preparation I had from Cedarville held up. I found it affirming to receive feedback on my ability to think and write well, something that has been fostered by Cedarville faculty.”

“Oxford courses are one-on-one with a professor, tutorial style,罗兰说. “They expect you to come prepared and not only explain your opinions but defend them logically. 沙巴体育的英语系,还有. 尤其是迪尔多夫, 把我训练成一个批判性的思考者, to research and write well so that my papers are not only plausible, 但可防御的.”

他在牛津的学术经历很有影响力, not only in its expedited pace and challenging content, 而是为毕业后的项目敞开大门.

“I really believe it was some of the professor recommendations I received from Oxford that ultimately opened doors for me to return for my master’s,博汉南说. “我发现不仅仅是我的学业, but my ability to converse with professors about my faith in a respectful but reasoned way fostered strong relationships.”

Rowland too was encouraged to pursue a degree at Glasgow by his Oxford professor Ruth Scobie.

“Glasgow has one of the best modern literature master's in the world, 所以被录取有点让人震惊,罗兰说.

For Dunham, the chance to study internationally goes hand in hand with her career goals.

“I am eager for the chance to be immersed in another culture again,邓纳姆说. “我一直对文化心理学很感兴趣, and being able to learn about international security and politics while simultaneously experiencing Scottish culture will frame my understanding.”

Dunham和Galkin, 他们现在是室友, 都会去圣安德鲁斯大学吗, 他们希望住在哪里.

“我们都是独立申请的, although I heard about Anna Grace’s program and thought it sounded amazing,邓纳姆说. “我们都是在同一天发现自己被录取的! It feels comforting to know that even as we both go off into a new culture and environment, 认识我们的人会给我们安全感.”

While most graduating seniors have healthy nerves going into the unknown, these four seem to feel excited and secure about their path back to the UK.

“Over the past four years I have seen numerous examples of God’s personal faithfulness in my life,高尔金说。. “他总是和我在一起, whether I am reading God’s word independently in Oxford or worshipping in Cedarville’s chapel with 4,000名其他学生. 无论我走到哪里,我都离不开他.”

“我想要松散地把握未来,”邓纳姆说. “I can make plans and think I have direction for my life, but I know the Lord is in control. I will happily go through whatever doors the Lord opens for me.”

博汉南急切地等着她回牛津, she feels the end of her time 在斯德维尔 is bittersweet.

“Starting this year, I was praying a lot for guidance, for God’s will. 我从朋友那里得到了确认, 从我的教堂, from Scripture and from my own excitement to return to Oxford to feel that God is leading me back,博汉南说. “With that confidence I have been able to pour into campus in the things I am passionate about. This year has been such a sweet conclusion to my time 在斯德维尔. 我感谢我在这里结交的朋友, 给我的教授, and I feel ready and equipped to enter the next stage of my life. 我认为它会很好!”

四个人都表达了有朝一日当老师的兴趣. Maybe these globetrotters will one day pack their bags and return to their college roots in Ohio.

位于俄亥俄州西南部, 沙巴体育是一所认证的大学, 将其人化的, 一所浸信会学院,招收5名学生,082 本科, 研究生 高中 dual-enrolled 超过175个学习领域的学生. 成立于1887年, Cedarville is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, 严谨的学术课程, 高毕业率和留校率, 认可的专业和健康科学产品, 学生参与度排名也很高. 有关大学的更多信息,请访问 www.斯德维尔.edu.





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