One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


Cedarville Insights provides answers to your pressing questions about Microsoft Word, Excel, 和演示文稿, as well as college undergraduate and graduate programs, theological and philosophical questions, 以及通用信息.

Find a Time Feature or Busy 搜索 in Google 日历

The "Find a Time" feature allows you to compare schedules of guests, whether you are scheduling a meeting or inviting friends to lunch, to pick a time that is free for everyone.


Excel: How to Parse Data (split column into multiple)

In local version of Excel 365 (or Excel 2016, 2013, 2010) it's possible to parse data from one column into two or more columns. And you can do it in a few simple steps. Suppose column A contains "Last Name, First Name". Follow these steps to split the data from column A into a "Last Name" column and a "First Name" column. No cutting and pasting necessary!Open the Excel spreadsheet containing the data you want to split, then:Highlight the column that contains the combined data by clicking the...

Adjust Table Columns in Word (Auto Fit)

You can manually adjust the width of any table; however, the following tips may allow you to fine-tune your tables with less effort.To adjust table row and column size in Word:Click anywhere in the table.In "Table Tools" click the [Layout] tab > locate the "Cell Size" group and choose from of the following options: To fit the columns to the text (or page margins if cells are empty), click [AutoFit] > select "AutoFit Contents."To fit the table to the text, click [AutoFit] > select ...

Adobe Acrobat Combine Multiple PDFs Into One File

Note:This functionality will not work in the free Adobe Acrobat Reader Program. 然而, you can install Adobe Acrobat Professional on your Cedarville University computer through Start > All Programs >  _CedarNet > Graphics > Adobe Acrobat 箴11 .Open Adobe Acrobat Professional 11.Go to "File" > "Create" (or choose [Create] on your toolbar).Choose "Combine Files into a Single PDF...."A "Combine Files" dialog box will open.点击[添加文件]...的左上角...


在Microsoft Outlook中, you can arrange the items in your inbox and folders so that emails you want to be able to see are more easily accessible. Outlook gives you the option to sort items in each folder by specific criteria, 比如它是什么时候发出的, 谁 it was sent by, or how large it is. By default, all items in your inbox and folders are sorted by date with the most recent items on top.If you change how Outlook sorts items in one folder, it will not change how other folders are organized....

Google Mail (Gmail) General Settings

There are several options available under the general settings menu for Google mail. These options allow you to change everything from how many emails appear on one screen to what stars you can use to label messages.



You may need to convert an audio file to another format for various reasons (e.g., to use as voicemail message, to transfer to an MP3 player). Depending on the file types you are using, you can use either Audacity or Adobe Audition. 两者都可以从CedarNet获得. Audacity is located under Language & Literature, and Audition is located under Com Arts.Use AudacityAudacity is more streamlined with less features and will work well for simple file conversion. 然而, Audacity cannot work with...

How to Format Email Messages in Outlook

Learn how to format emails in Outlook using HTML, Rich Text Format (RTF), or plain text.


Outlook View Delegated Email and 日历

Viewing Delegated MailGo to the Mail section of Outlook in the navigation pane.在导航窗格中 below the list of your folders, you should see a list of any delegated email addresses and folders.Click on the delegated folders to access those emails.Viewing Delegated 日历Go to the 日历 section in the navigation pane.在导航窗格中, check the box next to the name of the calendar that has been delegated to you. 它将显示在视图窗格中. 发表于《沙巴体育》

How to Save and Send Documents from Office Programs in Outlook

If Microsoft Outlook is set up as the email client on your computer (the default program to handle mailto links), 你可以使用“保存” & Send" feature in other Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel, 和演示文稿. “拯救 & 发送”选项 allows you to send a file as an email attachment directly from the Microsoft Office program that you create the document in.注意:您只能使用“Save” & Send” feature if you have an email client, such as Microsoft Outlook, set up...