One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

GMHC 2023: A Gathering of Hearts for Global Medical Missions

GMHC 2023: A Gathering of Hearts for Global Medical Missions

by Angie Wilson

On November 10-12, all of Cedarville University's first-year professional pharmacy (P1) students and several faculty and staff members will head to Louisville, Kentucky, to attend the Global Mission Health Conference. This conference is focused on medical missions all around the country and the world. This will be my third year attending the conference, and it is such a privilege to gather together with believers at GMHC. Those in attendance have hearts for Kingdom impact and use their gifts from the Lord to serve “the least of these.” It is powerful to worship together in the same room as we unite in our love for Christ, His Word, and serving others.

This conference encourages those on the missions field, but it also creates a stirring in the hearts of those whom the Lord will call into medical missions. Dr. Zach Jenkins, Director of APPEs, shares about how this experience helps foster a global mindset in the hearts of students. “The School of Pharmacy places a strong emphasis on creating students who are transformational leaders," he said. "Our perspective has always been that GMHC is instrumental in that process, as it helps students to recognize the impact that they might have on a global scale.”

Another exciting outcome from GMHC is witnessing the presence of healthcare professionals and students from different majors at Cedarville University coming together and learning as a group of interprofessionals. Opportunities for students to take part in gathering as a team with unique gifts to serve the Lord and patients well is an important experience in the journey toward a successful career as a healthcare professional. Dr. Brenda Pahl, Director of IPPEs, shares about the importance of interprofessional opportunities at this conference. “The School of Pharmacy prepares our students to be practice-ready, team-ready pharmacists," she said. "Working collaboratively with other providers leads to better outcomes for patients. Having the opportunity to learn alongside other healthcare providers in this unique experience is one way our first-year students are introduced to interprofessional collaboration.”

Many of our alumni have attended this conference as a P1 and have shared how it has confirmed or stirred their hearts towards full-time missions. Two years ago, we had the privilege of connecting with one of our pharmacy alumni at this conference. This alum shared his call to missions with our students while at the conference.

We have witnessed the benefits from this conference in countless ways and are excited to see how the Lord works this year at GMHC. This weekend allows our students to set aside their studies and retreat for a few days, focusing on the Lord and His work around the world! Healthcare is an amazing avenue to spread the Gospel, and I am blessed to have a position in the School of Pharmacy in which I can help students make connections with mission organizations and missionaries all around the world. Please be praying for our pharmacy students and the transformational impact they will have locally and globally for Christ!

Angie Wilson serves as Director of Community Engagement for the Cedarville University School of Pharmacy.

Posted in PharmD

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