One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


研究 描述 and 领导
《沙巴体育》 In a culture where confusion surrounds who Jesus is, we need this letter to the church in Colossae. The Apostle Paul in this short letter helps us to understand who Christ is, and what it looks like to grow alongside other believers in Christ likeness. This then produces maturing, thankful others-focused followers of Jesus who bring glory to God.

Discipleship Council Contact: 欧文烧伤
D-Group Leaders: 杰克纰漏, Zachary Denlinger, 约书亚Mesloh, 盖茨迦勒, Brandon Hurley, Elliiot Shearer, Blaine Ritzler, 杰里米Gieske, 卢卡斯犁
普通的 “We need a renewed appreciation for the commonplace ways in which God works–often, in those mundane moments that are unplanned, 塔夫, 和不插电. By learning to embrace the ordinary, you will find contentment and a sustainable faith in the hidden and humble places.”

Discipleship Council Contact: 亚历克斯·海因里希
D-Group Leaders: 弥迦书贝尔, 内森·弗里曼, 山姆DeCook, 乔什·麦克莱恩, 正义坎德尔, 约西亚的etn, 各耳板劳森, 杰克沃尔夫, 蒂姆·沃德, 拿单页
不 浪费你的 生活 “In this best selling book, John Piper makes a passionate plea to the next generation to avoid the dangers of a wasted life, calling us to take risks and make sacrifices that matter for eternity–with a single, soul-satisfying passion for the glory of God that seeks to make much of him in every sphere of our lives.”

Discipleship Council Contact: 西拉Ogren
D-Group Leaders: Sam Marshall, David Pride, Aaron Igleheart, Matt Shiel, Samuel Clark, Noah Renfroe, Eli Clark, Caleb Wagner, Ben Heady
从根本上 整个 “In this exploration of the book of James, pastor David Gibson helps you identify double-mindedness in your own life and better understand God’s grace. Gibson challenges you to embrace the painful yet profound process of redemption, fight double-mindedness, and experience wholeness.”

Discipleship Council Contact: 杰克迪沃
D-Group Leaders: 格兰特Luman, 杰克伯施, 内特Mowery, 迦勒Steppy, 迈克尔•白, Nehemiah Peters, 约书亚Baratka, 睚珥莫布里, 米奇尼尔, 兰登分量
约翰一书 “We can have confidence that we belong to God. 约翰一书 5:13 says, ‘I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.’ This brief letter reminds our hearts of the key characteristics of a genuine believer and acts a a balm to the soul of the believer struggling to have confidence in the saving promises of God ”

Discipleship Council Contact: Fletcher Colgan
D-Group Leaders: Azarian Bennett, 乔什-霍华德, 约翰海普纳说, 撒母耳Katon, 阿诺桑多瓦尔市, 雅各布·本德, 迦勒Lekki, Dimeon Korngay, 布莱登科菲, 诺亚哈维

Groups for Women

研究 描述 & 领导
《沙巴体育》 In a culture where confusion surrounds who Jesus is, we need this letter to the church in Colossae. The Apostle Paul in this short letter helps us to understand who Christ is, and what it looks like to grow alongside other believers in Christ likeness. This then produces maturing, thankful others-focused followers of Jesus who bring glory to God.

Discipleship Council Contact: 凯特Jefson
D-Group Leaders:阿列克谢法瑞尔, Lauren Watercutter, 安雅ZurBurg, 布鲁克·道森, 奥利维亚马洛, Lianna罗斯, 请你荆棘, Gracyn费, Blythe Anderson, 恩典教区
普通的 “We need a renewed appreciation for the commonplace ways in which God works–often, in those mundane moments that are unplanned, 塔夫, 和不插电. By learning to embrace the ordinary, you will find contentment and a sustainable faith in the hidden and humble places.”

Discipleship Council Contact: Grace Beckerink
D-Group Leaders: Grace Thornsbury, 莫莉古德曼, Karissa佩里, 莉迪亚波伊尔, 艾玛·麦格劳, Kayla Armstrong, 林赛•约翰, Kirsten Spencer, Charlotte Tomlinson, Hailey炒
不 浪费你的 生活 “In this best selling book, John Piper makes a passionate plea to the next generation to avoid the dangers of a wasted life, calling us to take risks and make sacrifices that matter for eternity–with a single, soul-satisfying passion for the glory of God that seeks to make much of him in every sphere of our lives.”

Discipleship Council Contact: 艾莉年轻
D-Group Leaders: Elodie Rowley, Eliana Roth, Brynn Hieronymus, Madi Lozier, Anna Farley, 艾米丽 Johnson, Sammie Gilbert, Abigael VanderHoek, Cara Chadwell
从根本上 整个 “In this exploration of the book of James, pastor David Gibson helps you identify double-mindedness in your own life and better understand God’s grace. Gibson challenges you to embrace the painful yet profound process of redemption, fight double-mindedness, and experience wholeness.”

Discipleship Council Contact: 泰勒Beigle
D-Group Leaders: 安娜Kaynor, 艾琳·戴维森, Raegan抱, 泰勒Nyce, Alyse Zuiderveen, 佩奇牧羊人, 乔安娜Herrlin, Alyssa Griffith, 索菲娅•沃克
约翰一书 “We can have confidence that we belong to God. 约翰一书 5:13 says, ‘I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.’ This brief letter reminds our hearts of the key characteristics of a genuine believer and acts a a balm to the soul of the believer struggling to have confidence in the saving promises of God ”

Discipleship Council Contact: 劳伦·克拉克
D-Group Leaders: Rachel Fark, Carolyn Sutherland, Ally Farver, Madeline Heigley, 格雷斯伯奇, Kailyn Spitler, 哈莉·约翰逊, Abigail Williamson, Alaina Broughton, 艾比考克斯
生活 落后的 “Looking to the book of Ecclesiasties for wisdom, 生活 落后的 was written to shake up our expectations and priorities for what it means to live the “good life.” Considering the reality of death helps us pay attention to our limitations as human beings and receive life as a wondrous gift from God–freeing us to live wisely, 慷慨地, and faithfully for God’s glory and the good of his world.”

Discipleship Council Contact: 司法院克莱因
D-Group Leaders: RHannah Dumbeck, 莎拉Yeazel, Adoree Schlegal, 希望铁砧, 玛迪史密斯, 泰勒大尺度, 杰西卡·道森, 雷纳·米勒, 谢尔比Sten, 瑞秋海塞
《沙巴体育》 “The book of 《沙巴体育》 points us to the sufficiency and superiority of Christ while at the same time warning believers of the dangers of neglecting a life of faithful obedience to him. We need our hearts to be instructed as to who the real Jesus is as well as challenged and encouraged to run the race of faithful obedience with our eyes fixed on Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith!”

Discipleship Council Contact: 克洛伊西部
D-Group Leaders: 丽迪雅Lancie, 珍妮池, Jennifer Britton, 艾比Lun, Brennah奥斯本, Ashlyn舵, 艾米丽, Wesner, Olexia Merchant, 索菲娅托莱多