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Classroom Copyright Chart
MediumWhat You Can DoAccording toThe Fine Print
Printed Material
  • Poem less than 250 words
  • 节选自一首250字以上的诗的250字
  • 少于2500字的文章、故事或散文
  • Excerpt from a longer work (10% of work or 1,000 words, whichever is less--but a minimum of 500 words)
  • 每本书或每期期刊一幅图表、图片、图解、图形、漫画或图片
  • 插图作品最多两页,字数不超过2500字(如儿童读物)
教师可以制作多份以供课堂使用.United States Copyright Office

Circular 21
No more than one copy per student. 用法必须是:在“一位老师的实例和灵感”下,当时间框架不允许有足够的时间征求许可时. Only for one course in the school. 每学期每班不超过9例(可以多使用报纸等最新新闻出版物). Don't create anthologies. "Consumables" can't be copied. 不要每学期都做(如果时间允许,征求许可). Can't be directed by "higher authority." Copying can't be substitute for buying. 副本只能由合法获得的原件制作.
  • A chapter from a book
  • An article from a periodical
  • Short story, short essay, or short poem
  • 图表、图表、图解、绘图、漫画、书籍、期刊或报纸上的图片
教师可以制作一份供教师研究或备课使用.United States Copyright Office

Circular 21
Same as above.
  • Portions of a work
  • An entire work
  • 如果“保存作品的现有格式已过时”,即为作品。
Text for Use in Multimedia Projects
  • Same rights as "Printed Material" above
学生可以在多媒体项目中加入文本. 教师可以利用多媒体教学课程.Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia教师可以使用两年,之后需要获得许可. Students may keep in portfolio for life.
  • Videotapes (purchased)
  • Videotape (rented)
  • DVD
  • Laser Discs
教师可以在课堂上使用这些材料,没有长度限制, percentage, or multiple use.

Section 110 of the Copyright Act材料必须合法获得(合法副本). 它必须在教室或类似的地方使用,“专门用于面对面教学”。. Not for use as entertainment or reward. The use should be instructional. 这个地方应该是一个非盈利的教育机构.

如果替代品无法以公平的价格获得,或者只能以过时的格式获得(例如.g., Betamax videos).
  • Videotapes
  • DVD
  • Laser Discs
  • QuickTime Movies
  • Encyclopedias (CD ROM)
学生“可以在他们的学术多媒体中使用部分合法获得的版权作品”, 定义为10%或三分钟(以较少者为准)的“动态媒体”Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia“多媒体中包含的所有版权作品必须注明正确的归属和名称, including those prepared under fair use. "Tina Ivany, UC San Diego 12/08/95
Video for Integration into Video Projects
  • Videotapes
  • DVD
  • Laser Discs
  • QuickTime Movies
  • Encyclopedias (CD ROM)
学生“可以在他们的学术多媒体中使用部分合法获得的版权作品”Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia材料必须合法获得(合法拷贝,非盗版或家庭录音).
Illustrations and Photographs
  • Photograph
  • Illustration
  • Collections of photographs
  • Collections of illustrations
艺术家或摄影师可以使用单幅作品,但不得超过5幅. 从一个集合中,不超过15张或10%,以较少者为准.Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia较旧的插图可能属于公共领域,但收藏可能受版权保护.
  • Music
最多可复制受版权保护的音乐作品的10%, 作为多媒体节目的一部分,由教育者或学生为教育目的而表演和展示的.Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia一些权威机构设置的最长长度为30秒. (www.indiana.edu), some do not mention a maximum (Tina Ivany, UCSD, 12/08/95). See below.
Computer Software
  • purchased software
  • licensed software
Software may be lent by the library.
Software may be installed on multiple machines.
Librarians may make archival copies.
Only one machine at a time may use the program.
并发用户数不能超过license数量. 多个用户可能需要一个网络许可证.
  • Internet connections
  • World Wide Web
Images may be downloaded for student projects.

声音文件可以下载以供项目使用 (see portion restrictions above)
Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia & DMCAImages may not 未经允许不得转载到互联网上.

  • Broadcast (e.g.、ABC、NBC、CBS、UPN、PBS、地方电视台)
  • Tapes made from broadcast
“停播”实况广播可用于教学. 从广播中录制的磁带可用于教学.Congress当你想要保留磁带时,事情就变得有趣了. Minimum rights allow for 10 school days. 开明的版权持有者通常会允许更多. PBS series Reading Rainbow offers three year retention rights, for example. 如果你喜欢它,可以保存三年以上,那就买吧!
Cable Television
  • CNN
  • MTV
  • HBO (etc.)
  • Tapes made from cable.

May be used with permission. 许多项目可能会保留数年,这取决于项目本身. Check with Cable in the Classroom.

Cable Systems (and their associations)电视节目的指导方针是在有线电视成为一个因素之前由国会制定的. 从技术上讲,有线电视节目不像广播电视一样受同样的指导方针的保护.
Film or Filmstrip
  • 16 millimeter films
  • filmstrips
“教师可能会复制一小部分的单一副本...for teaching purposes"加州学区的版权政策和指导方针, California Department of EducationThese must be films or filmstrips that you own.
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