One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


Thomas White became the 10th president of Cedarville University on July 1, 2013. Serving in a variety of leadership roles and responsibilities, White has more than a decade of administrative, 教学, research experience and combines strong leadership with a pastoral heart for ministry while standing for biblical truth.

Inauguration of Cedarville's 10th President

The Inauguration was held on Friday, 10月4日, 2013, in the Jeremiah 教堂 of the Dixon Ministry Center. Members of the Cedarville family, personal family and friends of Dr. White, other higher education delegates participated in the formal inauguration ceremony.


As the son and grandson of Baptist ministers, White grew up with a firm spiritual foundation and was saved in September 1993. Little time passed before he felt a call to vocational Christian ministry. While White attended a Christian university, he also opened four karate schools and began to fight competitively, having been involved in the sport through high school. These competitions led to him being inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame and winning the Black Belt Middle Weight World Amateur Championship. Still pursuing a call to ministry, White used his karate schools as his mission field, seeing students come to Christ and watching them go into ministry. After selling the karate schools and beginning seminary, White was ordained jointly by Chiquola Baptist Church in Honea Path and Riverside Baptist Church in Greer, 南卡罗来纳.

Theological Depth with Evangelistic Passion

At Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in North Carolina, 怀特遇到了他未来的妻子, 快乐马丁. 快乐 was pursuing a Master of Divinity in women’s studies. 他们于1999年7月结婚. 在神学院, White combined theological depth with evangelistic passion, earning both his Master of Divinity degree and a Ph.D. 在系统神学中. While studying with astute theologians, he put the Gospel into action by participating in missions and itinerate preaching. In addition, White served as Director of 学生生活. 在这三年里, he oversaw student services and participated as a representative during re认证.

仆人领袖. 教师的导师. 解释的传教士.

2004年7月, White was called to serve at Southwestern Seminary in Texas as Director of Leadership Development. His initial assignment included overhauling the on-campus conference center and hotel to make it more profitable. After two years of vision and decisive leadership, the number of events doubled and hotel occupancy rose to an all-time high, correcting an annual half-million dollar loss.

2006年6月, White was promoted and served until June 2013 as Vice President for Student Services and Communications. Serving as an executive leader as part of the President’s Cabinet, his administrative oversight included admissions, 通信, 国际学生, 牧师, 学生生活, 金融援助, 娱乐中心, 学生中心, 住房, 餐饮服务, 媒体服务, the on-campus conference center and hotel. 在这个角色中, White was also involved in strategic planning, 认证, 保留, 和筹款. 在他任职期间, White enjoyed the challenge of identifying problems, 评估人, finding the right solution to move forward while minimizing harm, casting a clear vision while building a successful team.

White also served as Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Southwestern Seminary. 在他的教职岗位上, he taught in the Oxford University study program and was a visiting professor, 还有他的妻子, 快乐, at Word of Life Bible Institute in New York. 在西南, White has developed online graduate-level classes; taught master’s and doctoral courses in subjects including systematic theology, public relations for the local church, advanced expository preaching; and revamped the seminary’s evangelism program.


White has been active in research, writing, contributing to the academy. 在他职业生涯的早期, he received an academic excellence award and a study grant, which led to him publishing a three-volume series on James Madison Pendleton. 怀特合著 Franchising McChurch: Feeding Our Obsession with Easy Christianity 并于2009年担任编辑 First Freedom: The Baptist Perspective on Religious Liberty, which recently came out in a second, updated edition, Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches, 在这块岩石上. White has contributed to other books, such as 浸信会的基础, written numerous articles, is active in social media through 脸谱网 and 推特.


The Whites have two children Rachel and Samuel, two dogs that they treat like children — Duchess, 德国牧羊犬, 和一件外套, a golden/Labrador retriever mix.

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