
About the BA in Studio Arts Degree

Why Study Studio Art at Cedarville?

Cedarville的工作室艺术学士学位课程将激发和建立您的创造力,同时为绘画等传统工作室学科提供坚实的基础, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and ceramics. In this vibrant community of artists and thinkers, 您将在丰富的文科教育框架内扩展您的技能并探索您的艺术声音. When you graduate, 你将准备好运用你的天赋和对艺术的热情,成为一名艺术家,不仅通过你的工作来荣耀上帝,而且还具有很高的技能, relevant, and well-prepared for a career in studio art.

如果你热爱艺术,想要磨练你的创造力和技能,而不是把工作室艺术作为你的专业, 那么Cedarville的辅修艺术工作室就是完美的解决方案! 您可以将此辅修课程与任何专业配对,以在追求您选择的课程的同时建立工作室艺术的基本技能.

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Studio Art Program Highlights

Program Overview

Program Highlights

A Different Kind of Art School — With a liberal arts foundation, high academic standards, 以及整个大学致力于深入思考和圣经, we are obviously not a typical art school. With small class sizes and professional, 实践教师谁单独了解和关心我们的学生, we are obviously not your typical state school either. We are intentionally and enthusiastically different.

Gospel Focus — As you study studio art, 您将与一群充满激情的创意信徒一起工作-同学以及教职员工-他们渴望通过他们作为艺术家的召唤来影响耶稣基督的世界. 在这个创意社区中接触艺术和艺术创作将定义你的材料, refine your craft, and develop your unique artistic voice. We can’t wait to see what you have to say!

Outstanding Facilities -您将有机会在一流的设施中学习和创造, including the Tyler Digital Communication, Carnegie Center for Visual Arts, and Alford Annex.

What Can You Do With a Studio Art Degree?

我们的毕业生雕刻和绘画,绘画和策划,摄影和设计. 一些公司通过社交媒体发展了大批追随者,网上销售也证明了这一点, 而其他人则选择通过更传统的画廊工作和销售.

Many have gone on to earn advanced degrees, such as art education, art therapy, or the Master of Fine Arts (MFA), 这些学位为职业生涯打开了大门. Some work for large firms. Some remain their own boss. And some support 他们通过与学位没有直接关系的就业独立工作, 要明白牺牲和成功之间往往有直接的关系.

细节有所变化,但主线始终如一:我们的毕业生 pursue the call of the Creator on their lives. What could be better than that?

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, experience, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Student Recognition and Professional Development — Nearby Dayton, Ohio, 享受热闹的当代艺术场景和几个艺术博物馆与实质性的永久画廊以及常规大型巡回展览. 连续第二年,Cedarville工作室的艺术学生获得了认可 as a recipient of the Dayton Art Institute美国国立大学(DAI) yeeck奖学金-每年颁发给少数地区大学生, and culminating in a museum show at the DAI. 除了DAI,我们还安排学生实习 与其他当地艺术组织合作,包括俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德的斯普林菲尔德艺术博物馆.

Creative Community -你可以加入一个学生组织,把全系的学生聚集在一起-图形艺术家, industrial designers, and theatre majors — to share experiences and knowledge.

The Studio, Society of Art + Design -工作室是一个以学生为主导的组织,促进艺术和设计专业学生之间的社区和指导.

American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) — Through AIGA, you will attend annual conferences, 听来自这个国家不同地区的多位演讲者, 并参加各种其他活动,这将提高你的设计知识, its history, and practice.

Student Galleries


Student Center Activity Board “Art in the Open” -沙巴体育的学生中心活动委员会每年都会举办几场被称为“公开艺术”的学生艺术展."

Annual Art Student Exhibition -年度艺术学生展览是一个由平面设计和工作室艺术学生的作品组成的展览.

220 Gallery— Highlighting artwork across various disciplines, 220画廊是锡达维尔的校园艺术展览空间.  View the Gallery

What Are Students Creating?

2D Artwork

3D Artwork

Program Curriculum

建立在你的通识教育,文科和圣经辅修课程, 你将学习包括绘画基础在内的核心艺术课程, Three-Dimensional Design, 和艺术史,以及选修课程,如技术工具I, Watercolor, and Graphic Design.

Sample courses:

  • Introduction to Art
  • Printmaking Foundations
Person standing in front of painted color swatches.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Caleb Booth

Caleb Booth

Assistant Professor of Studio Art


Photo of Aaron Gosser

Aaron Gosser, MFA

Associate Professor of Studio Art


Photo of Cat Mailloux

Cat Mailloux, MFA

Assistant Professor of Studio Art


Program News